Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rock & Worship Road Show...

The Rock and Worship Road Show was last night at the Idaho Center. Alex and I volunteered for the event. We arrived at the venue about an hour before the actual concert for briefing and training. They split us into two groups. The blue volunteer sticker group manned the actual Compassion tables. One was out by the vendors and the other was on the floor of the Idaho Centre. The volunteers with the green stickers (including Alex and I) were assigned to sit in the concert and stand to hand out the sponsor packets during a break between bands when a special video was shown. It was an incredible concert. Alex did a super job handing out the packets and talking to people in the crowd. We both handed out most of our packets and were hoping that those children are sponsored by individuals and families in the Boise area. We learned from the Compassion representative that there were 158 children sponsored in Billings, Montana and approximately 150 sponsored in Oregon the night before. Our commitment ended a bit before the concert was over so we are not sure how many kids in total were sponsored locally.

Alex and I ordered some Compassion International shirts before the concert to wear. The proceeds of these shirts went to support the Highly Vulnerable Children’s (HVC) Fund. In one pictures a tired Alex is wearing his shirt. In the second picture I surprised him with a shirt from the event. It was a little thank you for doing such a great job. Compassion Sunday is coming up at church on April 26th. I hope to hear that we have had more children sponsored at our church event. Seeing all those packets is very humbling. You just want to scoop them all up and sponsor them yourself. There was a sea of packets – always a plethora of kids but never enough sponsors.

One of the volunteers we met said that she and her husband had been sponsoring kids for 20 years. One of the boys they sponsored just graduated from the program at 18. They had sponsored him since he was 4 years old. She said it was one of the most amazing experiences watching him grow up. They have just sponsored another 4 year old boy to start over again. Just think of the support, encouragement and love they had the privilege of sharing over the past 14 years. Simply incredible!!!

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