Friday, March 30, 2012

Final Letter Sample

Astrid December 2011
January and February 2012 brought a couple of unwanted surprises my direction in regards to our Compassion sponsored children in Guatemala. I was informed in January that Lidia (who we have sponsored since 2008) was leaving the Compassion program. They did not have a true explanation as to why she was leaving.

Sponsored children have numerous reasons for leaving their compassion project so the lack of exact details is not uncommon. It could be based on the family's situation changing, poor attendance, the parents move the family etc. No matter the reason it is hard to see the children leave after you have established a long standing relationship with them. It's like losing a family member.

Although losing Lidia was difficult about three weeks later I received a call from Compassion and learned that Astrid was also leaving the program. We had sponsored Astrid since 2005. I was heartbroken. I was so hopeful that she would graduate with the program and that we would be able to remain in touch. What was even more troubling for me about Astrid's departure was that she left the program because she is getting married. Astrid is only 16 years old. I realize that her marriage might be an improvement in her life but it also may not. As a mother of teenagers it was hard for me to grasp the news because I would hate for our boys (both 17) to get married at this age. They are just way too immature and have so much growing up to do without the burden of a life long relationship. I will never know the outcome of this drastic change in Astrid's life and the loss of her in the program. My only resource now is to continue to lift her in prayer and hope that her future is bright.

Once a child leaves the program we are allowed to send them a final letter. Since I have lost multiple children I now keep a Final Letter Draft saved just in case I need it and then edit the draft according to who I am sending it to. I thought I would share the draft in case anyone is struggling with what to write should this situation surface.


It is with a heavy heart that I write you a final letter. Compassion let us know that you have left the program that you have been attending. One thing I have learned in life is that change is constant. You may change where you live, the taste of the foods that you enjoy, who your friends are and even where you worship over the course of a life time. But change is always an opportunity to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone and to learn and grow. They say the most uncomfortable place in life is inside your comfort zone.

We hope through the changes you experience throughout your life that it is filled with blessings, good health and prosperity. We hope that you continue with your studies and that you are enriched by all that you learn both academically and spiritually. May your life be a kaleidoscope of wonderful and unique experiences the add color to your soul and spirit.

We are so thankful that we could participate in a small moment of your life and wish you all the best life has to offer. Remember that you are special and unique in God’s eyes always. And that it is always better to give than receive. We will continue to pray for you. God Bless!

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