Saturday, April 6, 2013

Posting Standstill

I know it seems as if I have neglected my Compassion and giving blog and in fact it was out of necessity that I got behind on posting updates on the kids we sponsor both traditionally and as correspondence sponsors.  One of the wonderful benefits of sponsorship is correspondence with the kids.  On the back end of that blessing is a ton of letters coming and going from our home to theirs.  I found I was buried in letters from the kids often receiving up to five a week.  Instead of concentrating on my blog I spent my time writing back to the children, sending them small paper gifts, stickers, cards and answering all of their inquisitive letters.

In addition to our mailbox being continually filled with their beautiful letters we also had some shifting and additions in children we sponsor.  So not only was I struggling to keep up with letters but also with who we sponsor and where they are located.  I am going to bring my posts up to speed highlighting each child with a current picture and a few details.

I continue to love the ministry and sponsorship opportunities that Compassion International offers our family.  The children are amazing and I know that the spiritual nourishment that I share will be a part of who they are going forward.  It is a dream of mine some day to be able to visit at least one of our sponsored children in person.  It would be hard to decide on which one but I think the timing and finances will dictate that decision some day.  And of course prayer on who would benefit the most by an in person visit.

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